Micro and Nano Fluidics Lab, Prof. Haim H. Bau
Haim's current research interests are in nano- and macro-fluidics, with applications in biology and medicine.
Nanobiosensing, Nanomanufacturing, Nanomaterials (3N) Lab
We seek to understand and exploit biomarkers capture and sensing with micro-and nanodevices. Our aim is to control and improve the sensitivity and specificity of biosensing; we are also interested in unconventional nanomanufacturing techniques and novel nanomaterials.
Stanford Microfluidics Laboratory
A major theme of our lab is the exploitation of the physical regimes associated with micro- and nanoscales to achieve new functionality.
Liu Nanobionics Group at UIUC
Integrative Bio-Nano-Info Technology Innovation for Transformative Applications.
NEFT lab at Boston University
The Nanoscale Energy-Fluids Transport (NEFT) laboratory experimentally studies energy and fluids transport at the nanoscale.
Women in Microfluidics & BioMEMS
A continuously updated list to highlight women principal investigators.